"Sweet zombie movies I'll be sure to check out the ones I haven't seen yet :D"
"A very amusing list and some great photos :D thank you for sharing you've got my vote."
"A great list and thanks for sharing your thoughts about these characters you've got my vote :)"
"An excellent list it's always great to see the roots of an actress :)"
"A very impressive list and a cool looking thumbs up and down rating system :D you earned my vote! The only one we seem to have a different opinion on is The Lorax (2012) but hey to each his own. I gre"
"Yay I'm so glad thank you for remembering random things :D it's a big help."
"A very impressive list I'll be sure to check out the films I haven't seen yet :)"
"Very creative very pretty thank you for sharing :) keep up the great work!"
"Really? Excellent then it is true! LOL the version I saw show all of them it was very amusing and very funny. Also, thanks for the vote :D"
"Amazing films and thank you for sharing all of these pictures :)"
"Great List I'll check out some of the ones I haven't seen already! Thank you :)"
"Oh, has some of my favorites and I'll give the others a listen as well thank you for sharing :)"
"I agree these are classics which shouldn't even be touched now I don't disapprove of remakes I wish they would that bad to okay films and remake then to get a better film. But these are films that pop"
"Very impressive you've got taste sir thank you for sharing :) I'll have to check out the ones I haven't seen."
"An excellent selection of films to watch you've got my vote :)"
"LOL the second I saw the name I wanted to vote for this list LOL very clever but honestly good choices they match the title well."
"An excellent list and thanks for including your two cents on these great shows keep up the great work :)"
"Excellent photos, great choices, and includes some personal favorites of mine. You've got my vote thanks for sharing this :)"
"An excellent list with classic film romances thank you for sharing :)"
"An excellent list thank you for paying tribute to these amazing performances in cinema :) thank you."
"An excellent list and thank you for saying that about Avatar :) I agree with you on that."
"A well thought out and really good compiled list :) thank you for sharing."
"An excellent and very diverse list also great to see Steve Buscemi keep up the great work :)"
"I have to agree with you on Goldfinger it is the embodiment of what James Bond stands for. Amazing story, great acting, and all around fun action packed adventure! Also, The Graduate an amazing film w"