SwornShadow commented on a list
Underrated/Forgotten Animated Films (56 movies items)
"@ToonHead2102 XD that is true I do not have those on this list originally I thought Ferngully was a bad film and I was just seeing it through nostalgia lenses but upon reflection I have found it to be"
4 years, 12 months ago
SwornShadow voted for list
Sculpture, Painting and Female Aesthetics (141 art items)
5 years, 1 month ago
SwornShadow commented on a list
Guilty Film Pleasures (99 movies items)
"@PulpRoman Nice I find that several of these films wind up on other guilty pleasure lists where people know they have flaws but still enjoy them! Also, excellent I hope the new ones you check out beco"
5 years, 2 months ago
SwornShadow voted for list
All Time Favourite Games Brawlers/Beat'em Ups (13 games items)
5 years, 2 months ago
SwornShadow voted for list
Favourite Female Characters DC & MU (20 characters items)
5 years, 3 months ago