SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
First watched in the theater 6/24/2016
Thoughts: A film that introduces revamped characters but doesn't seem to have enough time for all of them. Thus, I am more excited about the potential these characters have in future installments then the end results here.
However, there are quite a few fun moments to be had here :) we get another Quicksilver scene and while not as good as his scene from Day of Future Past I still had fun with it XD
I did enjoy the actors and actresses that were picked to play Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Storm, Jubilee, and Psylocke I look forward to seeing them in future installments and more screen time dedicated to them (hopefully)!
James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, and Evan Peters are all welcome returning characters and certainly scene stealers. However, I am a bit concerned that the producers and powers that be are pushing Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique to act like Katniss Everdeen to try and draw in that demographic I worry that will damage the creativity of future endeavors; which is unfortunate because I do really like Jennifer Lawrence in the part.
But, lets get to the center piece: Apocalypse. Now Oscar Isaac does a great job in portraying En Sabah Nur in his mannerisms and his speech you get a feel that he brings a real presence to the role and gives it weight. Unfortunately, Isaac through no fault of his acting talents suffers due to the costume and the camera angles they decide to give him.
What I mean is whenever we are zoomed in on Apocalypse's face or he is covered by shadows and the camera is looking up at him then Issac and his voice really come across as menacing and a real threat. But, when they show Apocalypse in day shots or in group shots with the camera looking down at him he looks less threatening and more like a middle schooler trying to pass off that he's in high school. The sad thing being that this could have been fixed with the right camera angles and lighting techniques. But, again I want to stress this is because of how the film decides to display him at times and not because of acting ability.
So in summation X men: Apocalypse is a bit more mixed and suffers from problems shared by previous installments. However, the pieces are there to be played out and I do believe the story for this flows despite characters getting shafted for screen time. Also, I'm a sucker for anything set in the 1980's XD oh man that Thriller Jacket!!! The hype is real! So my recommendation is to watch it but maybe at matinee price because I am awarding this film:
31/2 stars out of 5
A rushed start to a new team and a new chapter but still with potential that given time and effort I think can become something great :)
And as always stay till after the credits because it looks like something Sinister is on the horizon o-o
8 years, 7 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
8 years, 7 months ago
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8 years, 7 months ago
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8 years, 7 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
First watched 6/21/2016
Thoughts: An interesting but tricky concept to adapt. Here the intended satire comes off a bit too mean spirited and most of the characters are too one dimensional to really get across anything meaningful. And in previous Spike Lee film where the camera work aided the story telling and environment here it seems to come off as more of a distraction. However, if you are looking to complete your Spike Lee filmography checklist give it a watch. Because while messy the ideas are still there and might still resonate with others better but don't go in expecting anything really hard hitting.
8 years, 7 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
First watched 6/21/2016
Thoughts: Atmospheric and shot so well in the backdrop of LA this film kept me hooked and excited throughout and even manged to surprise me on more then one occasion. With Cruise and Foxx giving some of their best performances.
8 years, 7 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
First watched 6/20/2016
Thoughts: A fun film that reminds me somewhat of Dog Day Afternoon and has quite a few twists and turns that makes it worth a watch. However, I would be lying if I didn't mention that I felt it lacking a big punch by the end.
8 years, 7 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in June list
Re-watched 6/17/2016
Thoughts: Upon re-watching it has the same kinetic energy that I can't look away from. The only downside is I will never be able to view it again for the first time. But, I will definitely be watching Fury Road many more times in the future. So what are you waiting for go see it! Stop reading this and see it! Go! Go! Don't even think just go!
8 years, 8 months ago