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8 years, 5 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in August list
Re-Watched 8/29/2016
Just as exciting and entertaining as ever. A film that still holds up and is able to entertain and engage on such a level that questions that would be raised are pushed to the back of your mind.
This was the role that Schwarzenegger was born for and knows how to show his acting strengths rather then his weaknesses.
Also, seeing Sarah Connor grow into her badass self is great to see and Linda Hamilton does a fantastic job capturing all the right emotions. Michael Biehn also brings a real believable performance as Kyle Reese seriously I feel it in his words he is just fully fused into his character everyone is.
Cameron proves that even with a limited budget you can create an amazing action film that will withstand the test of time.
8 years, 5 months ago
SwornShadow voted for a review of Suicide Squad
“So there was a lot of speculation about how this would end up being considering the track record of the DC cinematic universe as well as the look of T”
8 years, 5 months ago
SwornShadow added 1 item to 2016: Films I've Watched in August list
First watched 8/27/2016
Well it is better then the first Purge movie but that isn't saying much considering I gave that film Zero stars XD
But, this one tries to get serious and political and act like it's saying something relevant and profound about America and it's current state and the film suffers for it. They should have stuck to just having mindless over the top fun like in the second film. Hell Rick and Morty did an episode that understood how to do the concept of The Purge correctly by really making fun of itself and not taking things too seriously.
While they bring some new factors to the table in this one such as we learn that people from other countries visit the US on Purge night to participate. Or how there are some people who go out in the Purge and try to help certain people. That's a few examples of several but really they introduce new concepts that raise more eyebrows and questions then providing answers.
I mean it still amazes me how people actually wait until the Purge starts before they start killing if I wanted to kill someone in the Purge I would kill them like 30 minutes or an hour early and then when the Purge starts and the police are shut down I would escape to Canada or something. I know that would work because even if I killed someone an hour early any members of the police wouldn't do anything because they would all be at their homes keeping their families safe.
And get this we see a candidate up for election and she wants to put and end to the Purge . . . . . WHAT!?!?!?
Okay so despite the Purge only going on for a few decades I can imagine that a lot of people would have blocked its passing back when it was on the Senate floor so if these new Founding Fathers have so much power and control how in the hell did they ever let this candidate that would end their plans get on the ballot in the first place!?! Kinda a big miss for guys who want to keep the Purge going. See what happens when you take yourself so seriously movie? You end up creating a world where the very basic premise of your film could not exist.
The only thing I kinda liked was the film's portrayal of my generation the spoiled self entitled millennials and I liked them in the sense that they got killed because they were gonna kill this guy because he stopped them from stealing a candy bar from his store. Believe it or not but I have met people my age with that kind of mentality that the world owes you everything and if you don't give it to them you deserve to die. The idea of people with that mindset makes me sick. I can only hope this somehow gets a message across to people who think like that in the sense that nothing good will come from that mentality.
So while it doesn't follow the first one's boring route it doesn't quite get to the levels of enjoyment of the second one as their own rules took me out of the movie's world.
But, if you liked it I'm glad you saw something in it that I didn't :)
8 years, 5 months ago
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8 years, 5 months ago
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8 years, 5 months ago
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8 years, 5 months ago
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8 years, 5 months ago